A co-worker’s grandson, Max, was born with damaged kidneys. He’s had the best medical treatment available. But still Max is sick.
Suffering comes to all of us. But, hopelessness only comes to those who are “without Christ”. READ Ephesians 2:12 from the Holy Bible, King James Version: “That at that time ye were without Christ, …… having no hope,…..”
Followers of Jesus Christ are Never Without Hope! The difference between the Christian and the Non-Christian isn’t their problems. It’s where they’ve placed their hope.
Max’s grandmother, Karen, is a dedicated Christian. Recently Max had surgery. Because he’s a baby, they couldn’t sedate him. We asked God to send angels to surround Max during his surgery. God answered our prayer.
Karen understands that only Jesus knows Max’s future. This knowledge comforts her and makes her Never Without Hope!
Prayer: Jesus, thank-you for being my hope. Solve my problems. Meet my needs. Teach me to always hope in You.
Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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