Shame is a worldwide issue; it creeps into people’s minds in the midnight hour, during a happy moment with family, or even when we are sitting on a pew at church. Shame is a device of the enemy that hinders us from running after God becuase it oftentimes causes us to run from Him.
Today, you may feel encumbered by the shame of your past or even the shame of missed opportunities due to uncontrollable circumstances.
What is one thing that will combat shame? Forgiveness.
The word forgive means to release. What do you need to release into God’s hands today? 1 John 1:9 states, If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us [our] sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
You may feel like the sin that hinders your freedom is too much for God, but Romans 5:20 explains that where sin abounds, grace much more abounds.
There is an abundance of grace for you today.
When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden of Eden, they hid from the presence of God because of the shame they felt, but God sought after them to bring restoration.
Yes, your sin may separate you from God, but it does not separate God from you!
Either the blood of Jesus works for all sin or not any sin at all. There is no in-between.
Do you want to receive the love of God today? If so, then you need to allow Him to forgive you! If you can’t believe that God has forgiven you, then it will be impossible to believe that He can make you whole. He desires to restore your relationship with Him today, He wants to be the joy of your salvation, and He wants to make you whole through His blood.
Will you surrender to Him and say, “Here I am, Lord. Here is all of me. Make me in your image and wash me white as snow. I accept Your forgiveness, please make me whole. In Jesus name.”
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