“In whom all the building fitly framed together groweth unto an holy temple in the Lord:” Ephesians 2:21
Several of us in my family like to do Jigsaw puzzles. My daughter and I always want to put the border together first, so we go through the pieces picking out all the ones with straight edges. Sometimes others laugh at us and say that is not the way to do it. But we find that once we get the border together, we can then each choose a section to work on and it goes much smoother.
We were discussing this a couple of weeks ago, and I thought how well that works with our spiritual life. There are some basic things that we need to establish in our hearts and lives. We must believe that the Bible is God’s Word, and that it contains the instructions we need to truly be a child of God. We must believe that Jesus died for our sins, and that He is the only Way to eternal life. We need to set apart a time each day to commune with Him in prayer and study His Word. We must let His Spirit guide us in everything we do.
Once we have this basic framework settled, the boundaries in place, then we can trust the Lord to bring everything in our lives into the position He desires.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, we trust you to put all the pieces of our life together to make the beautiful picture you have planned.
Devotion by Anne Johnston
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