When people get saved and become born again they tend to think that God and going to church will fix all of their problems. This is not the case because they are spirit, soul, and body. Each part requires not only for God to help and change them, but for them to help and make changes themselves.

The spirit becomes new and is made spiritually alive at the born-again experience. It desires God and His Word, and it longs to pray, worship, and obey His commands. The spirit longs for supernatural and divine power above human ability and strength. It reaches deep to know God.

However, the soul, which is the mind, intellect, and emotion, is not made new. It is filled with past sins and traumas. It has formed strongholds of thought and unhealthy ways of attachment even from early childhood that may be ungodly and detrimental to the spiritual nature. It wars against the spirit and fights to surrender to the things of God daily. Though God and the church community help us, we must renew and reprogram our soul and mind daily so that godly transformation can happen and our problems can be fixed. This takes work and discipline on our part!

Ways to work through soul problems:

  • Repent of your past sins and stop making provision for those sins.
  • Bring thoughts to the obedience of the Word by memorizing, applying, and acting on scripture in the areas of your sin battles.
  • Pray the Word daily and declare His truth in prayer time to renew and set the focus of your mind from the carnal (doubt) to the spiritual (faith).
  • Take time to restore your mind (soul) by reading and absorbing the Word every day in devotion time.
  • Refresh your mind (soul) by listening audibly to the Word being preached and taught.
  • Write out scripture daily as the Lord imparts to you.
  • Refuse to watch or listen to things that discourage you, go against godly living, or cause your mind to worry or fall back to past despairs. Watch and listen to things that uplift and inspire.

The body is not made new at our born-again experience. The body has to be presented to the Lord as holy as it is the temple for God to dwell. We have to participate with the Spirit and treat our body as holy. We have to do the work of keeping contamination out with substances that would abuse it. We have to do the work of keeping our bodies sexually pure. We have to do the work of keeping the body healthy, fit, refreshed, and rested.

Yes my friend, God and going to church will NOT fix all of our problems. God will do His part but we have to do our part at the same time.

If God says that He will heal us emotionally, and we are not doing our part to renew, restore, and refresh our mind (soul), and not tending to our body with health, exercise, purity, refreshing, and rest, then we will not be healed. It takes effort in all three areas of body, soul, and spirit to be victorious.

Now may the God of peace make you holy in every way, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless until our Lord Jesus Christ comes again (1 Thessalonians ‭5:23).



Kathy Shaw is a pastor’s wife in Denver, Colorado. She spends her time blogging, writing, and teaching Bible studies, running a Facebook group called “Jesus the Wounded Healer,” reaching out to multicultural groups through outreach, and has served the Colorado District as the Ladies Ministry Secretary the last six years. Her greatest passion is to spiritually help the wounded and those who have come from dysfunctional homes. She writes and teaches with a burden to help them become healed emotionally and grow in the Scriptures and their relationship with God, through which they can find their freedom. You can visit her website at kathyshaw.net

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