And after him was Shammah the son of Agee the Hararite. And the Philistines were gathered together into a troop, where was a piece of ground full of lentiles: and the people fled from the Philistines. But he stood in the midst of the ground, and defended it, and slew the Philistines: and the Lord wrought a great victory. 2 Samuel 23:11-12.

In these scriptures, we find Shammah, one of King David’s mighty men, defending a field of lentils. Shammah risked his life to defend a field of lentils that was not his personal property, but Israel’s property.

When others ran away, Shammah firmly planted his feet on a field of beans like it was over caverns of priceless gems, and he defied the army of the Philistines.

There is not much value in lentils, it is one of the cheapest legumes and grows in even the worst soil, but if you’re not willing to fight for something small, you won’t win a battle for something big.

Your faithfulness begins with the smallest responsibility. Do not recoil at the first mark of a challenge.

What field is the enemy fighting you for?

  • Your family?
  • Your life?
  • Is it your ministry?

Or is it something that seems smaller and less significant?

  • Your prayer life?
  • Your devotion?
  • Your God-given anointing?
  • Your joy?

In the story Jesus told of the three men given talents, the ones who were praised were the ones who invested their talent no matter how big or small.

What small things can you be faithful in today? Prayer? Investing in your gifting? Studying the Word of God? Faithful to the house of God?


I’m not just talking about paying for things with money, but with time… paying for things with your peace, paying for things that affect the spiritual climate of your home… paying for things that leave a void in your marriage.

You may think that when the time comes, you’ll fight for the big things, but if you’re not fighting for the small things, then you are just fooling yourself.

Fight for the small things.

Fight for your field of lentils, no matter how small or insignificant it might seem.

Why? Because you don’t want to give God-given territory to the enemy. The field is yours. That gifting is yours. That calling is yours. God’s eternal inheritance is yours.

That’s why Shammah stood his ground. He was determined to not give one tiny lentil to his enemy.

Let’s stand our ground today. Just like God did with Shammah, He will bring a great victory.

There is victory over your situation today. In Jesus name.


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.


  1. Linda Mack

    Thank you for this word. I have been struggling with prayer in my home. It’s so hard to just BEGIN, yes I talk to God through the day. But I need that breakthrough and to know I am in His will for me. I need to feel Jesus with me.
    My home is my field.

    • Yes, beginning is usually the most difficult thing to do with any task or goal at hand. Just start small and make attainable goals, like spending 5 minutes with the Lord as soon as you wake up. Praying you get your breakthrough. We need His strength everyday and His power in our home. He is with you and I’m going to pray for you today, sis!

  2. Thanks Sis, for this timely encouragement. I have a mission field that I am fighting for. I have a backsliding son am fighting for. And others. Please help me pray. Thanks. Marcia.

    • YES! Amen! I felt the burden you carry for your mission field and for your son. Let’s continue to fight gain territory. In Jesus name let there be restoration in your son’s life. I am believing with you!