“The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.” Psalm 19:1 David wrote this verse many years ago, but for a lot of people here in our country, it was fulfilled recently (April 8) as they were able to view a total eclipse of the sun.…
“Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people!” (Psalm 66:5, Holy Bible, New Living Translation).
Awesome! This overused word is interwoven into conversations to describe anything above average. It’s linked to fashion, talents, gourmet foods, websites, gadgets, and travels. The King James Version translates awesome as “terrible.” Imagine this scene. We’re looking over the splendid Grand Canyon. I wave my arms and shout out “Terrible!” You wouldn’t understand my comment. If I said “awesome” you would know I’m impressed with God’s creation. That’s what the psalmist meant—full of awe, awesome—when he recognized God’s magnificent miracles. Awesome! That word belongs to God.
Prayer : Lord, when I see Your creations and witness miracles You have given to us, they are awesome! Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore
Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! (Psalm 66:5, Holy Bible, New Living Translation).
Awesome! This overused word is interwoven into conversations to describe anything above average. It’s linked to fashion, talents, gourmet foods, websites, gadgets, and travels. The King James Version translates awesome as “terrible.” Imagine this scene. We’re looking over the splendid Grand Canyon. I wave my arms and shout out “Terrible!” You wouldn’t understand my comment. If I said “awesome” you would know I’m impressed with God’s creation. That’s what the psalmist meant—full of awe, awesome—when he recognized God’s magnificent miracles. Awesome! That word belongs to God.
- Prayer : Lord, when I see Your creations and witness miracles You have given to us, they are awesome! Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore
“Come and see what our God has done, what awesome miracles he performs for people! (Psalm 66:5 from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation).
- Awesome! This overused word is interwoven into conversations to describe anything above average. It is attached to artistic performances, gourmet foods, clothing accessories, websites, widgets, gadgets, and travels. The King James Version translates awesome as “terrible.” Imagine this scene. We’re looking over the splendid (awesome) Grand Canyon. I smile and shout out “Terrible!” You wouldn’t understand my reaction. Others nearby might wonder at my absence of appreciation. If I said “Awesome!” you would understand how impressed I am with God’s creation. That’s the intention of this modern translation when the Psalmist recognizes the magnificent miracles. Awesome! That word belongs to God.
Prayer : Lord, when I see Your creations and witness Your miracles, I am overwhelmed. All I can say is awesome! Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore