According to Google, we make approximately 35,000 conscious decisions every day. Of course, many of these choices seem insignificant and finite. However, every choice we make, good or bad, will impact our lives.

  • Simple Choices:
    • What to wear.
    • What to eat.
    • What to read.
    • What to watch on Netflix.
  • More Complex Choices:
    • What College to attend.
    • Who to marry.
    • What ministry to be involved in.
    • Where to live.

we are decision-making machines.

The simple decision of our food choices can alter our health in a negative or positive way. Or, the choice of what to watch on T.V and the duration of the time we spend everyday streaming content will affect our personal and spiritual lives. Every choice matters.

Of course, we have the freedom to do anything, but that does not mean that we will be free from the consequences of our decisions.

One of my favorite Christmas films is, “What A Wonderful Life.” The lead character George Bailey says to his guardian angel, “It would have been better if I was never born.” The angel proceeds to show him how much of an impact his life made, even through small decisions.

I stand in awe knowing that God gave us the power to choose—it is such a huge responsibility.

Choose You This Day

I am convinced that the greatest choice to make everyday is to choose Jesus.

Joshua 25:15 poses a great challenge, “Choose you this day whom ye will serve.”

As a teenager, I had an incredible love for God. However, I struggled with many things and could not live an overcoming life. My spirit and flesh were at war with each other.

One day I bowed myself to the ground and prayed,
“Lord, why is it so hard for me to serve You?” I heard Him gently whisper to my spirit, “It is because you have a love of the world in your heart.”

Desperate for more of God I began to pray, “Lord, take the love of the world out of my heart. I want to love what You love and hate what You hate.”

That moment—that prayer—that choice—changed the rest of my life.

Never underestimate the impact one prayer can make. 

The power of choice puts a weight of responsibility in our hands. And, so I ask,
What choice can you make today that will impact your eternity? 
The choice is yours.

Prayer: Lord, I choose you. Help me to make decisions that are conducive to the ministry You have called me to, and lead me to make decisions that will benefit Your kingdom, my marriage, my family, and my relationships.


Angela Overton is a lover of words, nature, and coffee. She is an ordained minister with the UPCI, has a Masters Degree in Theology, and loves to teach Bible studies. She and her amazing husband, Michael, pastor in Silver Spring, Maryland.

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