While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” (Genesis 8:22, ESV)

Looking out my window this morning, I saw sunshine and the promise of a new season. I live in an area that has four distinct seasons, each with its own beauty and its own challenges. Winter is now almost gone and there’s just a hint of spring in the air. Good things are coming, and I look forward to the days ahead. Soon the grass will turn green, and plants will take on new life. It’s all part of the cycle God set in order in Genesis.

The Cycles of Life

Our lives also go through cycles—good times and bad times, advances and setbacks, embracing the new and letting go of the past. I think most of us are ready for a new season and perhaps even feel that hint of something new on the horizon. The past year brought so many changes and challenges. We’ve experienced disrupted schedules, cancelled travel plans, rearranged jobs, and altered family life.

The year also brought changes in the way we worship. Even as we faced the challenges, we discovered God was still at work. Pastors found creative ways to sustain the spiritual life of the church, even with lockdowns and restrictions. Some who had not attended a church service in years logged onto their computers and reconnected with God. Souls were baptized and Spirit filled. Even though it was a time of change and uncertainty, the church moved forward. It’s always been that way, even as far back as the early church in the Book of Acts. They faced opposition and persecution, but the church thrived and spread to the then known world.

The Season of Revival

And that new season I mentioned – I feel it has already begun. It is a season of revival. Perhaps because of the weeks and months we could not come together, we feel an even greater appreciation for the body of Christ. When we gather for services, even if masked and distanced, we rejoice as the Spirit of the Lord sweeps through the sanctuary. A feeling of anticipation and excitement surrounds us. Just as Isaiah 43:18-19 promised, something wonderful is coming!

“Remember not the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it?”

Are you ready to move into the next season and watch God do a new thing among us? I am. Our world desperately needs the Lord. Yes, like the early church, we may face difficulty and even persecution in these last days, but the church will stand strong. Let’s embrace this new season and allow God to work in us and through us to see His Church advance and souls experience their personal Pentecost.

Like warm spring sunshine, this is the season of renewal and revival!

Lord, I embrace the exciting things You have in store for Your people. Give us boldness to proclaim Your Word to a lost world. Ignite a passion within us to see revival in our communities and lead us to those who hunger for the peace Your Spirit will bring into their lives.




Mary enjoys traveling, meeting new people, and spending time with old friends. Although directionally challenged, she would rather take the back roads with their discoveries than the boredom of the interstate.

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