“For his loyal love towers over us, and the LORD’s faithfulness endures. Praise the LORD!” (Psalm 117:2, New English Translation).
Everyone wants to be loved, but many feel unloved or unlovable. Perhaps they come from a family where love was never expressed. Or maybe the one they believed loved them betrayed that love. Or they may feel unworthy of love and think no one would ever choose to love them. If you are one of those feeling unloved, let me assure you: “You are loved. You are cherished. You are precious.”
What would the world be like if love did not exist?
It would not be a place any of us would wish to live. If love did not exist, neither would we. Our Creator is love (I John 4:8) and He fashioned us with love. Our problem is we only know how to understand love from a human perspective. I’m not sure any of us can fathom the depth of God’s pure, boundless love. He demonstrates this infinite love in so many ways, but it’s difficult for our finite minds to truly comprehend. Think about the many ways He expresses His love.
- God’s love is steadfast (Deuteronomy7:9; Psalm 136:26)
- God’s love is unconditional, not based on how “loveable” we are (Romans 5:8).
- God’s love is complete, immeasurable (Psalm 103:11).
- God’s love is endless (Jeremiah 31:3).
- God’s love is sacrificial (John 15:12-13; I John 3:16).
- God’s love is incomprehensible and passes all knowledge (Ephesians 3:17-19).
- God’s love brings life (Ephesians 2:4-5).
- God’s love casts out fear (I John 4:18).
- God’s love delights in us (Zephaniah 3:17; Psalm 147:11).
With a love this tremendous, how can we not love Him back? Romans 8:37-39 reminds us nothing can separate us from the love of God.
“Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (NKJV).
Remember, God’s love surpasses any we have ever known or ever will know. He will not betray us, forsake us, ignore us, or ever stop loving us. God is love.
Suggestion: Since today is Valentine’s Day, a day that celebrates love, include I John 3 and 4 in your daily Bible reading.
Prayer: Dear Lord, thank You for loving me while I was still a sinner and so unlovable. You did not choose me because I was beautiful or talented or worthy. Your love is unconditional and isn’t based on anything I could ever do to earn it or deserve it. You demonstrated the depth of Your love when You gave Yourself on the cross to take away my sins. You’ve given me life and hope and joy—all because You have blessed me with Your unfathomable love.
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