heart_cross“Dear friend, when you extend hospitality to Christian brothers and sisters, even when they are strangers, you make the faith visible” (3 John 1:5-6 in the Message Bible).

Paul was writing to his good friend, Gaius. Gaius was a very common name and is found in several scriptures. My research indicates that he was probably from Corinth. The church at Corinth was known for their hospitality.

The King James Version reads, “Beloved, thou doest faithfully whatsoever thou does to the brethren, and to strangers;” (3 John 1:5.) The phrase “thou doest faithfully” signifies to keep or preserve the faith, or to be bound by the faith, or to keep one’s engagements.

At any rate, Gaius made his faith visible for all to see. It was obvious that he practiced what he preached. This is the kind of faith the world is looking for.

Unless you make your faith visible the world will not be able to see Jesus!

Prayer: Lord, our world is hurting badly and in need of a church actively pursuing and showing those around us the faith that was once delivered to the saints. Let the faith we possess be evident to our brothers, sisters and strangers. Amen!

Devotion by Kaye Singleton


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