“Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.” Ecclesiastes 12:13.

Last week our daily Bible Reading was the book of Ecclesiastes.  As we read this book, we see that Solomon had tried just about everything the world had to offer.  He had great riches, many wives, and popularity.  But it seems like this book was written during the last years of his life, and he realized that none of the things that he had gained really meant anything.  The riches and power did not bring him happiness.  This verse sums up his conclusion – “Only God matters.”

Perhaps like me, you have been privileged to know the Lord from the time you were a child.  As you look back on your life, you can see how God has always been there for you.  You can see times when His love and His mercy kept you in time of temptation.  But for His grace, circumstances could have led you away from God and in a different pathway.  But God had put a desire down in your heart to serve Him and put people in your life who prayed for you.  God has been faithful through the years and today you can worship and praise Him for His love.

Or you may be someone who only learned about the love of God later in your life.  When you cried out to Him, He was there to forgive all your sins.  Old things passed away and all things became new.  From that day forward you have walked with Him, followed His direction, and you have been blessed.

Or maybe you have just recently found the Lord, and everything is new to you.  You are seeking each day to learn more of Him, and to follow the teachings of His Word.  The enemy may try to bring up your past and try to discourage you.  But Jesus is there for you, reminding you that you are His child and that He will never leave you.

Perhaps you are reading this today and do not have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  The words of our text were written by the wisest man who ever lived.  He tried everything but had to acknowledge that the only thing that really mattered was serving God.  Why not surrender to Him today, and make Him Lord of your life?

Whichever scenario you fit into today, remember what Solomon discovered and what still stands true today: “Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is the whole duty of us all.”  Whether we have known the Lord for a day, a week, months, or many years.  He has not changed, and He is still faithful.

Prayer:  Jesus, thank you for your Word and your commandments that teach us how to live.  Help each one of us to always put you first in our lives, for that is what really matters.

Devotion by Anne Johnston


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