“Serve the Lord with gladness:  come before his presence with singing!”  (Psalm 100:2 KJV)

We were not drafted into His service.  Our service to the Lord is volunteer.  It is your privilege and duty to be happy in your religious worship.

Restaurants and fast food places know the value of those who serve.  Businesses close daily because of the attitudes of their servers.  “Please” and “thank you” are still magic words even when you serve in the Kingdom of God.

Serving God requires us to serve others.  God doesn’t need our acts of service, but those around us do.  Someone said that serving is worship in work boots.  Showing kindness to those in need is a form of worship.  It is possible to serve with gladness when You know Him who has made you glad.

Prayer:  Lord, I praise You for all You have done for me.  Help me worship You by serving others.  Others see You through me. Amen.

Devotion by Kaye Singleton


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