“But the Lord stood by me and strengthened me, so that through me the message might be fully proclaimed and all the Gentiles might hear it. So I was rescued from the lion’s mouth.”
2 Timothy 4:17
I have a quote on my letter board in my home that says “we won’t be distracted by comparison if we are captivated with purpose” (Bob Goff)
When my young daughter asked me what “purpose” was I explained to her that it meant that every single person has something that they are meant to do with their lives. Something good. Something important.
She quickly responded, in her matter of fact way that “Daddy has a purpose. You have a purpose. I have a purpose and my sister has a purpose” She was absolutely correct.
We are all dealt different hands in life, some good and some bad. But no matter what you have been given on this earth, YOU have a purpose. Your day today has a purpose. Your tomorrow has a purpose. The conversation you strike up with the cashier at your local grocery store has a purpose.
When you become too weak to stand, be reminded that God stands beside you, and will strengthen you, so that His purpose can be fulfilled in your life.
Every moment of your life is important. YOU are important. Your life matters.
Ignore the lie from the enemy that tells you that you are useless. Ignore the lie that tells you that you are unloved, forgotten, a burden or unqualified.
You, precious woman of God, are absolutely loved by your Father. You have a destiny. You matter. You have a future. You can do incredible things through Christ who strengthens you (Philippians 4:13)
Let me say it again, you matter.
Prayer: Jesus, give me strength today. Help me to understand what is truth and what is a lie. Remind me today that you are always with me. You stand beside me, and you go before me. Help me to remember my calling.
1 Comment
I am the Youth Sunday School teacher at my church and the last several weeks I have been teaching. on this subject.
I recently learned that one of the major problems our young people face is depression.
This coming Sunday I will be reading your devotional to my class.
Thank you for this much needed message and confirming the message I have been speaking.
God bless you.