All of life is change – a journey to know Jesus and become like Him.  Even in the midst of a pandemic – especially in the midst of a pandemic, God wants to expand our capacity to function in His Kingdom.  The Bible says, “It is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13 NKJV) He initiates the changes we experience to shape us into the vision He has for our life. We were made for more than one season.  This season will pass and God will make all things new (Revelation 21:5)!

Surrender to the Season.

Often, its not rebellion that holds us back from embracing the season we are in, but a lack of awareness of God’s purpose.

A challenging season is not for our punishment; it’s for our training!  (I Peter 1:6, Galatians 6:9).

Psalm 1:1 describes the one who is right with God as blessed or happy and content. Resisting the transition to a new season in our life has the opposite effect – it makes the season more difficult and confusing.

Get in sync with God’s plan for each season.  Living in unison with the One who is forever constant will build confidence in His guidance through every stage of our life.

Learn from the Season.

Psalm 1:2 gives us a critical piece to completing the puzzle of each season – delight in God’s Word. Habitually fill your mind with the sweet, nutritious Word of God. Stability and fruitfulness are the reward of those whose hearts are fixed on obeying God.

When our life is planted by the source of living water, we will not wilt under pressure, because we are getting what we need for sustained growth even in the off-season. (II Peter 1:5-10)

The Apostle Paul told his protégé, Timothy, “Be ready in season and out of season.” (II Timothy 4:2) In other words, do what is required now in order to reap the benefit during the harvest season. There are times for planting, waiting (resting), watering and harvesting.   Make the adjustments that the season requires.

Anticipate the Next Season.

Notice that even the blessed man of Psalm 1 “brings forth its fruit in its season.”  We deepen our roots in fall and winter in preparation for spring and summer when we will have the next stage of growth and fruit.

God’s main purpose is to prepare us for eternity by conforming us to His image.  The results of this process are rarely instant but they are always certain. The Bible says everything the righteous produce will eventually come to maturity (Psalm 1:3).

In every season of our life, whatever we do in faith to glorify God will prosper!


Julie is a writer who would rather read, a speaker who would rather listen, a joyful wife to Peter, and a determined mother of two. She is the More to Life director and editor of Reflections Magazine UPCI.

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