“When they call on me, I will answer; I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue them and honor them. I will reward them with a long life and give them my salvation.”
Psalms 91:15-16
I am terrible at answering my phone, honestly just because I strongly dislike (okay, I just didn’t want to say “hate”) talking on the phone. If it’s a number I don’t recognize, there is zero chance I’m going to answer it. If it’s a number I do know, I take stock for a moment before answering ( sorry Trent!) It really is a character flaw, and something I need to work on.
As I write this though, I am thankful God isn’t the same way! God lets us know in a simple, matter of fact way that if we call on Him, He will answer. Simple as that. No questions asked. No taking stock before answering that call, just an answer. You cannot get more to the point than that, call on me, and I will answer.
We are also told that He will be with us in trouble. Every heard the saying “when it rains, it pours.” Doesn’t that seem to apply to life.. a lot?! I know that every morning when I wake up, unsure of what the day holds for me, He is already with me. He walks through every moment of every day, right beside me. In the good and the bad. On the mountain, and in the valley. No matter what, He is with us!
Thank you for always being with me God. Thank you for always answering when I call or cry out to You. You are an Incredible God, and knowing You are as close as the mention of Your name gives me peace.
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