Focus Verses: Genesis 1:6-10

In our focus verses, God divides the waters from the waters. The waters were there all along but the division made sea and sky recognizable.  As we learned yesterday, now we can see because light preceeded division. 

Many times we have something great but we don’t recognize it.  We yearn for something better or something good when we already have something great.  There are also times when we grow closer to God that we experience His blessings.  We know we have something great, but cling to it for fear of losing it.  We cling to the blessing more than we cling to the Blesser.  We may think we want it and we may think we know the way it needs to be, but God may choose to divide it.  What we have may need to be split apart.  Sometimes God separates it from itself and sometimes it is taken from us completely.  Other times it just needs to be turned into something else.  Our Creator is the One that can change the great things into better things.

Our Creator is the One who can change great things into better things

Cindy Rose

When God divided the waters and placed a firmament in the middle of that division, He had a plan for an eternal home.  He placed our future paradise, the place we will spend forever with Him, in the center of what He separated.  He knows when it’s time to divide.  His division does not return void.  His division doesn’t become less than what it began as.  His division gives us a place.

Once Heaven was placed, God gathered some of those divided waters into one place and brought up some dry land.  That dry land is our for now home.  We even get to use the waters around our dry land for our pleasure and for our provision until we head to eternity with Him. 

He always makes a place for us.  He makes us a place for our future, He changes the place we are now, but He never leaves us without a place.  Hebrews 13:5 says to “be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee.” We may convince ourselves at times, that we are all alone, that we are lost and have nowhere to go.  What is really happening in those times is that He is changing our place.  He’s often dividing the things that He has given us.  He does this to give us a better place or to get somewhere else ready but He always has a place for us to be in the meantime.  Let that light He provided shine bright enough that you open your eyes to the place He has you in and trust that while you’re there, He’s already prepared the next place.  You don’t even know what He has in store.  Just wait and see what my Jesus does after He divides!

Prayer Focus

Ask God to help you be content in your place and ask Him to help you trust the divisions that He is making for you.  Thank Him for where you are and thank Him for what He is preparing in your next place.  “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also” (John 14:3).

No matter where you stand, the only place that matters is the one where He is.  Make sure you stay with God regardless of how many different places that takes you. 


Cindy is a homeschooling mother of four children, Joshua, Adam, Abi, and Judah. She helps her husband, Rev. Josh Rose, Sr., Children’s Church Pastor at First Pentecostal Church of Denham Springs, lead children to the Lord. Cindy has recently started a blog that she prays will bless parents, wives and all other followers of Jesus. She has a desire to lead families to live a holy lifestyle that glorifies God in every way. You can visit her blog at or you may contact her via email at

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