Focus Verses: Genesis 1:6-10 In our focus verses, God divides the waters from the waters. The waters were there all along but the division made sea and sky recognizable. As we learned yesterday, now we can see because light preceeded division. Many times we have something great but we don’t recognize…
Focus Verses: Genesis 1:1-5, 14-19 When God speaks, things happen! Here, in the opening verses of the Bible – the story of creation, God is forming things with His Word. He does this in each of our lives; in the day to day and throughout our lifetimes. On our own…
If we can’t hear God speaking into our lives–it isn’t a physical problem, it’s a spiritual problem. God is speaking, but we must learn to distinguish God’s voice from other voices. There is such a multiplicity of voices that try to speak into our lives and all of them are…
Genesis does not appear first in the Bible by chance. Everything else in the Bible flows out of the book of Genesis. God always has order to everything He does. God does not, nor has He ever, worked by chance. He is always intentional. As we study Genesis, we quickly…