“Cause me to hear thy lovingkindness in the morning; for in thee do I trust: cause me to know the way wherein I should walk; for I lift up my soul unto thee.” Psalm 143:8
So often when we wake in the morning, we start to think about all the tasks that await us that day. It is easy to get overwhelmed. The Psalmist learned the secret was to seek God first thing in the morning, to praise Him for His lovingkindness, and to ask Him to direct our steps for the day. We ask Him to make us a blessing to others.
The Lord knows exactly what the day holds, and He has a plan for us to follow. How wonderful it is to be able to just place everything in His hands and trust Him to direct us every step of the way. As we take time to talk to Him, and read His Word, He makes known to us what He wants us to do. Even as we go about our routine tasks, we find they go much more smoothly as we commit them to Him.
Even if we do not have direct contact with others, throughout the day, the Lord will bring people into our mind, and we whisper a prayer for them, not knowing what their need might be. God hears our prayer and ministers to them. We may never know what they needed, but we have done what the Lord has asked us to do, and we can trust that the need was met.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, we lift our hearts to you each morning, asking for your guidance. Direct our stepsand lead us in the right path for the day.
Devotion by Anne Johnston
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