“Their delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law they meditate day and night.” (Psalm 1:2 NASB).
- Perhaps you’ve heard the phrase, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste.” The Bible agrees with this statement. God designed us to use our minds in living for Him. We are to memorize and digest the promises and laws found in the Bible. Faithful followers of Christ will allow the Word of God to “wash” their minds clean from the many other things in life that clamor for our attention. We are to carefully focus our minds on the Scriptures and mentally mull them over and over in our minds. What are you feeding your mind today?
- Teach me your laws, Lord. Train my mind to dwell on the good things of Your Word. Remind me of Your promises. Give me the strength to avoid unholy thoughts and actions. In Jesus Name, Amen.
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