“When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought joy to my soul” Psalm 94:19 (New International Version of the Holy Bible). We can live joyful every day because our happiness is not based on circumstances, but rather it is predicated on God Himself. Joy dwells with God which means wherever God is there is joy! If we make room for Him in our lives, we can experience a deep and abiding joy regardless of external conditions. The joy of the Lord knew the poverty of a lowly manger birth and the agony of the cross. Joy triumphed over the grave – it is irrefutable and undefeatable! This joy does not deny the distress or minimize the pain in our life, but finds God in the midst of it.
    Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for joy that transcends my present circumstance. I pause today to rejoice in the God of my salvation. Though I may face sorrow, or urgent needs, or anxiety, or illness, I face it with my soul secure in You. Amen.
    Devotion by: Julie Long

Julie is a writer who would rather read, a speaker who would rather listen, a joyful wife to Peter, and a determined mother of two. She is the More to Life director and editor of Reflections Magazine UPCI.

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