“…for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” (Nehemiah 8:10)
Have you felt okay when you really shouldn’t have? Have you been confident in your God when life comes in the form of the big, bad wolf and blows your house down? Have you ever been able to stand strong in the face of adversity? If so, you must have the joy of the Lord!
Pure, unadulterated joy can literally change your circumstances. It allows you to wake up every morning with a song in your heart, and praise on your lips. Joy drives you to be kind and positively influences your decisions. It can also give you strength to stand when you should be falling apart!
Happiness is fleeting and is based on your current situation in life. Emotions can cause happiness to intensify, and then almost in the same moment, disappear. The joy of the Lord is enduring and is constant in a world that is always changing. If you desire joy today, bring your request to God, who always has a listening ear.
Prayer: Today I am so thankful for the joy that only comes from You. I’m grateful for the strength it gives me. Joy allows me to face my day knowing nothing can separate me from your love, and I rejoice in that today!
Devotion by Caitlin Walker
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