“Kind words are like honey – sweet to the soul and healthy for the body”
Proverbs 16:24
Have you ever had a conversation with someone and felt dirty afterwards? I have. It doesn’t always even have to be about anything inappropriate, just maybe a little too much time spent talking about another person.
There are people who are known gossips. When I read this scripture I wonder if I am known for being one of those people, or as someone who speaks kind words and encouragement. Do I speak peace into a conversation, or do I poison it with judgemental comments that I have no right to make?
Sometimes we need to take a hard look in the mirror and ask ourselves the difficult questions. Am I who I am supposed to be in Christ? Or am I playing the role a little too well.
Let’s be women of godly conversation! Let’s uplift our fellow believers and encourage those who have yet to have a relationship with God. Before speaking today, pause. Pray. Proceed.
Jesus, I am thankful that words can literally change a situation. Help me to be a woman who changes circumstances with a simple kind word. Help me to always pause before speaking my mind, and let me speak life into hopeless situations today.
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