“Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.” Psalm 51:10

Remember when spring cleaning was a big event of the year. After the snow was gone and the weather was getting warmer, a homemaker would practically tear the house apart. All the curtains were removed from the windows, washed, and hung out to dry in the spring breeze. Blinds were taken down and dusted or washed, depending on what kind they were. Then the windows were thoroughly cleaned inside and out to get rid of the winter’s grime. Carpets were removed, hung over the clothesline, and beaten with a broom or whatever was available to remove the sand that had been tracked in. Floors were scoured, and old wax was stripped off and new applied.

In the bedrooms, the winter quilts and flannel sheets were removed from the beds and mattresses turned and vacuumed, Walls were dusted, and painted ones washed down. And then, we must not forget the closets and cubbyholes.

Have I made you tired already? This was a ritual that was repeated year after year, and everyone in the home was expected to do their part.

Nowadays, we try to do a bit of cleaning each week, so that when spring comes, all that work will not be required. We all have learned that it is better to just tackle one job at a time and complete that before we start another. If we keep on top of the small things, the big ones are not so formidable.

The Lord has been impressing upon my mind that it would be a good idea to look at our lives. We are the temple of the Lord, and it is our responsibility to keep that temple pure and clean. Every day we need to examine our hearts and let the Lord show us what maintenance is needed. Still, it is good to take time to look deep within and do some extra cleaning. Over the winter we may have neglected important things and cobwebs have gathered.

“The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately wicked: who can know it? I the LORD search the heart, I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.“  Jeremiah 17:9-10

For the next few days, let us examine our hearts, listen to the voice of the Lord, and let Him cleanse us anew.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we desire to have our hearts right with you, search us, and cleanse us from all that is not pleasing to you.

Devotion by Anne Johnston



  1. Perfect, perfect timing for this devotional! I have felt an impression in my heart to put media, etc. on hold, just be with Jesus and examine myself. This has put language to it! Spring Cleaning! Thank you, Anne!

    • Anne Johnston

      Thank you so much for reading and commenting. I am glad you enjoyed this, I am enjoying writing the series, searching my own heart as well.