“When I felt my feet slipping, you came with your love and kept me steady.”

Psalms 94:18 CEV

I have seen a recurring theme in my devotion time lately, and that is love. In moments of struggle, pain and hurt my mind does not automatically assume I need love. Nor do I feel as though I need love, but perhaps healing, restoration or even deliverance.

In moments when we are weak and weary, God sends His love to keep us steady. This understanding completely changed the way I view what I think I need in those seasons.

I need His perfect, unending, and never changing love. Love that does not falter, or is put off by my flaws. Love that will keep me, and is always near. Love that is healing, love that restores and love that delivers.

I’m willing to accept that love today. There are days that I feel unlovable and as though I’ve made a mess of things, but His love remains constant and so near to me.

He may not send the miracle I have been praying for, but His love for me was declared and made known on the cross, so I know He will keep me steady.

God, thank You for Your love today. Thank You for keeping me steady, and for always unconditionally loving me. Help me to love others as You love.

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