For I the LORD thy God will hold thy right hand, saying unto thee, Fear not; I will help thee. (Isaiah 41:12, KJV)
Every day I am surrounded by 20 four year old’s who often use the phrase, “But Miss Melinda, I can’t…” and it drives me crazy. In most recent weeks, I generally hear them cry this out as they attempt to put on their snow pants independently or when they are asked to zipper up their coats when they’ve already put mittens on. When my students tells me they can’t do something, 90% of the time I analyze what they’ve done, decide whether or not they have indeed made an attempt to solve their own issue and if it deems necessary, I help them with whatever issue they had to begin with.
It seems funny to compare ourselves to four year old’s but I couldn’t help but to notice the similarities. How often do we decide not to do something for His kingdom because we think that we can’t? I know God to be not only merciful but so graceful! He will give us the talents and abilities we need to do anything we want if we are faithful to Him. If we will do what we can, God can always help us do the things we think we can’t.
Prayer: Lord, rather than worry about the things I am not able to do, I pray that you give me confidence to do the things that I can. In Jesus name, amen.
Devotion by Melinda Keays
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