
Debbie Simler-Goff

    Do you feel weaker in God than you have in the past? Are there times in your life when your commitment to God was stronger? When you prayed more? When you read the Holy Bible more? When you attended church more? Trust in the Lord and you can be strong again.
    READ: Isaiah 40:31 from the Holy Bible New Century Version, “But the people who trust the Lord will become strong again. They will rise up as an eagle in the sky. They will run and not need rest. They will walk and not become tired.”
    Prayer: Dear God, I’m sorry I haven’t talked to You much lately. Please forgive me. Today, I recommit myself to You and to the teachings of the Holy Bible. I promise to attend church so that I can learn more about You. I want to trust in You so that I can become strong again. Amen.
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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    Inspirational speaker Jan Silvious once said “I like to define forgiveness as ‘giving up the right to punish the one who has hurt you.’ That’s what Jesus did on the cross.”
    Jesus was beaten, humiliated and ultimately murdered on the cross. READ Luke 23:34 from the Holy Bible, New King James Version: “Then Jesus said, ‘Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.’ He forgave them and prayed for them even while they were still hurting Him!
    Perhaps you’ve been hurt by someone. Jesus understands your pain. He wants to help you to forgive them.
    Prayer: Heavenly Father, Help me forgive those who have mistreated me. Heal the wounds they inflicted on my spirit. Protect me. Provide me courage to pray for them. I know they also are your child. Let me see them as You see them. Grant me compassion and discernment in dealing with them. Amen.
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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    Luke 5:27-28 from the Amplified Bible, “…Jesus went out and looked attentively at a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax office; and He( Jesus) said to him, ‘Join Me as a disciple…and accompany Me… And Levi forsook everything and got up and followed Jesus (becoming His disciple..)”
    “Join Me”, Jesus said. Jesus looked Levi in the eye and asked him to be His disciple. He challenged Levi to leave his old life, and begin a new life. In Levi’s new life, he had joy. In his new life he had peace. In his new life he woke up every morning in the presence of God.
    Today, Jesus is still saying “Join Me.” “Be my disciple.” The choice is yours. The life you have now. Or a new life full of joy, peace and presence of God.
    Prayer: Jesus, I choose to join You as a disciple! I’m looking forward to my new life.
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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    A co-worker’s grandson, Max, was born with damaged kidneys. He’s had the best medical treatment available. But still Max is sick.
    Suffering comes to all of us. But, hopelessness only comes to those who are “without Christ”. READ Ephesians 2:12 from the Holy Bible, King James Version: “That at that time ye were without Christ, …… having no hope,…..”

Followers of Jesus Christ are Never Without Hope! The difference between the Christian and the Non-Christian isn’t their problems. It’s where they’ve placed their hope.

Max’s grandmother, Karen, is a dedicated Christian. Recently Max had surgery. Because he’s a baby, they couldn’t sedate him. We asked God to send angels to surround Max during his surgery. God answered our prayer.

    Karen understands that only Jesus knows Max’s future. This knowledge comforts her and makes her Never Without Hope!
    Prayer: Jesus, thank-you for being my hope. Solve my problems. Meet my needs. Teach me to always hope in You.
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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    Today I tended to my house plants. They looked healthy. But after examining them closely under a bright light it was obvious they needed pruning. They were full of debris. I cleaned them up. Then I gave them a gentle shower in the kitchen sink. This no doubt refreshed them.
    Often, we are just like house plants. We need tending. We need to be examined closely under the bright light of Jesus’ presence. We need Jesus, the Master Gardener to remove the debris in our lives. To shower us gently in the Holy Spirit! We need Him to refresh us.
    Prayer: Psalm 42:1-2 from the Amplified Bible, “…..my soul pants and longs for You, O God. My inner self thirsts for God, the living God….” O God, remove anything in me that hinders my spiritual growth. My inner self wants to be close to You. Refresh me today.
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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    Luke 6:20-23 from the Amplified Bible, “Jesus said, ‘Blessed (happy with life-joy and ….. God’s favor) are you who hunger…for you shall be filled…Blessed (happy with life-joy and God’s favor) are you who weep and sob…for you shall laugh…”</ul>

      Are you poor? Jesus said He’ll give you His kingdom. Are you hungry? Jesus said He’ll feed you. Are you sad? Jesus said he’d make you happy. Whatever your problem, Jesus will help you. Do you know Jesus? He knows you. Have you forgotten Him? He’ll never forget you. He’s waiting for you to call out to Him. It’s easy. Just say “Jesus”.
      Prayer: Jesus, I want to know You. Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I need _________ right now. Please provide for me in a way that I will know for certain it came from You! I believe You will. Thank-you Jesus, You are the best!
      Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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    Joshua 9:14 from the Holy Bible, King James Version, “Then the men of Israel took some of their provisions; but they did not ask counsel of the Lord.” The men of Israel unknowingly did business with deceitful men. Had they asked God’s opinion first, He would have warned them. But they didn’t ask and they suffered for it.
    I wonder how much easier life would be if we all learned to ask God’s opinion first.
    Think about it. God is everywhere. He sees everything. He knows everything. He loves us. He created us. He wants what’s best for us. Doesn’t it make sense to ask God what He thinks about a matter before choosing to do it?
    The men of Israel learned their lesson. The next time they needed to make a decision they asked God’s opinion, and they prevailed!
    Prayer: God, teach me to ask your opinion before making important decisions. Amen.
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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    “You are what you eat from your head down to your feet.” This popular slogan taught that a person’s physical health was determined by what they ate.
    “You are what you say, so guard your mouth today” could have been Jesus’ slogan. READ: Matthew 15:11 from the Amplified Bible, “It is not what goes into the mouth of a man that makes him unclean and defiled. It’s what comes out of his mouth; this makes him unclean and defiles him.” Jesus was teaching that a person’s spiritual health was determined by what they said.
    Do you gossip or criticize others? Take the “Mouth Check Challenge!” See if you can go an entire day with only speaking words of kindness and encouragement. The easier it is for you to speak positive, uplifting words the healthier your spirit is.
    Prayer: Jesus, forgive me for using negative words. Help me be spiritually healthy by talking positive. Amen.
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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I expected last Monday to be like any other work day. It wasn’t. Grief paid a visit to my office. My friend and co-worker, Delores, died. She was at her desk on Friday, smiling and joking. But by the following Monday, her desk was vacant, a reminder that she had passed into eternity.

Prayer: God, You alone know when I will die. Make me ready for heaven. Amen.

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