


“You shall walk after the Lord your God and fear Him, and keep His commandments and obey His voice; you shall serve Him and hold fast to Him.” (Deuteronomy 13:4 NKJV) One night at a county fair, I wandered through a display tent full of creepy snakes, giant spiders, and other exotic animals. The…

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“And if a man also strive for masteries, yet is he not crowned, except he strive lawfully.” II Timothy 2:5

Last week at our District Camp, the morning speaker was commenting on this chapter in II Timothy, speaking about the battle between flesh and spirit. This verse stood out to me.

I thought about so many stories we hear of athletes who are stripped of their medals or titles because they have taken drugs that they should not have to enhance their ability. Instead of depending on the strength and ability that came naturally, they wanted an easier way. What a sad thing it must be to have come first in an event, only to have the honour taken away from them because they had not obeyed the rules.

If we want to be the winner in the game of life, there are certain rules we must follow. The Scriptures lay down the path we must take in order to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. Sometimes our flesh will tempt us to take an easier way, to neglect Bible study and prayer, but we will soon find ourselves weak in our spiritual life if we do so.

I have known some young people who lived for God with all their heart, when they were facing opposition from family, and yet when they got out on their own, they neglected to seek God with all their heart and soon drifted away from their walk with the Lord. They started the race well, but lost out in the end.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, we rely on you for our strength and help every day, help us to follow your guidance, and finish the race you have set before us.

Devotion by: Anne Johnston

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“And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the LORD was with him.” I Samuel 18:14.
As we read the account of David’s life after he had slain Goliath, we see why he was called a man after God’s own heart. David, no doubt, was completely aware that he had been chosen to be the next king, yet he submitted himself to Saul and obeyed him.
Saul plotted to have him slain by the Philistines, and even by his own son Jonathan. But, in all instances, God provided a way of escape. Saul lied to David by promising to him his oldest daughter as wife, and when he later gave him the younger daughter it was meant to trap him. Through it all, David remained humble and obedient to Saul.
Eventually, David had to flee from Saul, but even in his time of exile, he still was submitted, even giving up a couple of chances to kill Saul. He was submitted to God and loyal to the one who God had anointed. He was willing to wait for God’s timing to fulfill His plan. In due time, God gave him the kingdom.
How often we get impatient and are not willing to wait for God to work out His plans for our life. Like David, we must be faithful, and trust God for His timing.
Prayer: Lord, may we live each day faithful to you, and trusting your guidance and direction.
Devotion by Anne Johnston

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BibleAt times, obeying the Scriptures seems difficult. God asks us to love everyone when obviously some people are undeserving. He expects us to pursue peace when a good fight would be our natural inclination. It would be enjoyable to erupt in anger and retort in sarcasm occasionally, wouldn’t it? Throughout the Bible, God asked men and women to do things that they too thought were hard. In Judges 6:16, God reassured a reluctant man named Gideon, “I will be with thee.”

Prayer: Dear God, help us to understand that Your commandments are not too difficult for us. (See 1 John 5:3.) When we comply with Your will for our lives, we do not live life on our own. Thank You for the power that You give us each day. We can do all things with Your help. You are our strength. (See Philippians 4:13.)

Devotion by Bonnie Peacock

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“He hath shewed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree” (Luke 1:51-52 in the King James Version of the Holy Bible).

Pride has no value. It gives a false sense of self-importance that exists only in the imagination of the heart. When God was looking for a human vessel to accomplish His will, He bypassed all of the high profile candidates and chose a humble young woman who was “powerless” in the eyes of society. God demonstrated that His favor rested upon those who followed Him in spite of the world. Though God handpicked her from all of the women on the face of the earth, Mary did not claim any glory from it.

Prayer: Lord, You value faithfulness, trust, and obedience above everything. Teach me these essential qualities and help me to never claim glory for myself. Amen.

Devotion by Julie Long

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“For he that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is his name. And his mercy is on them that fear him from generation to generation” (Luke 1:49-50 in the King James Version of the Holy Bible).

Mary understood that she did not merit the tremendous honor God had given her as the mother of the Saviour. All she had done for her part was live in obedience to God’s commandments and followed Him to the best of her ability. Throughout Scripture the Israelites constantly vacillated between faithful obedience and wayward disobedience, but God’s mercy was always available when they turned their back on sin. Today, God extends His faithful, loving, mercy to everyone who follows Him.

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for the great blessings in my life. May I always walk with You and never leave the protection of Your abundant mercy.

Devotion by Julie Long

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