


“How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation…” Hebrews 2:3

Throughout the Bible, we find many references to things that we should not neglect or forget. These are precious things that we need to pay close attention to, and we should value them.

The most important thing we need to guard is our salvation. Jesus purchased it through a cruel death on Calvary, and it is a precious gift that we need to hold close to our heart.

One way that salvation is neglected is when we do not keep our hearts pure before God. Of course we will make mistakes, but we need to repent quickly and ask the Lord’s help to avoid that temptation in the future. Our salvation is worth guarding!

Prayer: Thank You, Lord, for the gift of salvation. Remind me every day of how precious it is, and help me to value it.

Devotion by Liane Grant

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“But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ.”  (Philippians 3:7 in the King James Version of the Holy Bible) Children have a saying when things really don’t make sense.  They say, “Go figure!” The Apostle Paul let us know in this passage that he calculated his…

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Numbers 24:17 in the Amplified Version of the Holy Bible, “What I saw in my vision hasn’t happened yet. But someday, a king of Israel will appear like a star…”

Imagine! Some 2000 years passed from the time of this prophetic declaration of Jesus’ birth until its fulfillment in Matthew 2:2. An unusual star did light the night sky giving direction to the wise men who came to worship the new born King. It was the will of God that this brilliant celestial body would announce to all the nations that the Gospel of Jesus Christ would extend itself beyond the borders of Israel to the entire world.

Prayer: Dear God, I pray that I won’t miss Your invitation to draw near and simply worship. You are my bright and morning star! You have called me to bring my gifts of praise and adoration into Your throne room. While I linger in Your presence, grant me patience and unwavering faith to endure until the fulfillment of the promises You have given me. Amen.

Devotion by Julie Long

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    Luke 6:20-23 from the Amplified Bible, “Jesus said, ‘Blessed (happy with life-joy and…God’s favor) are you who hunger…for you shall be filled…Blessed (happy with life-joy and God’s favor) are you who weep and sob…for you shall laugh…'”
    Are you poor? Jesus said He’ll give you His kingdom. Are you hungry? Jesus said He’ll feed you. Are you sad? Jesus said he’d make you happy. Whatever your problem, Jesus will help you. Do you know Jesus? He knows you. Have you forgotten Him? He’ll never forget you. He’s waiting for you to call out to Him. It’s easy. Just say “Jesus”.
    Prayer: Jesus, I want to know You. Jesus, I love You. Jesus, I need _________ right now. Please provide for me in a way that I will know for certain it came from You! I believe You will. Thank-you Jesus, You are the best!
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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    Luke 5:27-28 from the Amplified Bible, “…Jesus went out and looked attentively at a tax collector named Levi sitting at the tax office; and He( Jesus) said to him, ‘Join Me as a disciple…and accompany Me… And Levi forsook everything and got up and followed Jesus (becoming His disciple..)”
    “Join Me”, Jesus said. Jesus looked Levi in the eye and asked him to be His disciple. He challenged Levi to leave his old life, and begin a new life. In Levi’s new life, he had joy. In his new life he had peace. In his new life he woke up every morning in the presence of God.
    Today, Jesus is still saying “Join Me.” “Be my disciple.” The choice is yours. The life you have now. Or a new life full of joy, peace and presence of God.
    Prayer: Jesus, I choose to join You as a disciple! I’m looking forward to my new life.
    Devotion by Debbie Simler-Goff
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