“When she saw that she was stedfastly minded to go with her, then she left speaking unto her” (Ruth 1:18 in the King James Version of the Holy Bible.)
The Book of Ruth is a small book (only 4 chapters) in the Old Testament. It is the story of a young widow who chose by faith to follow the God of her mother-in-law, Naomi, instead of the gods of her ancestors.
Ruth put her life on hold to care for the needs of her mother-in-law.
In reading the book of Ruth again, I realized that Naomi and her family were ahead of their time. Families didn’t move around like we do today. They tended to live where they were born. But, Elimelech pulled up roots and moved to Moab. As it happened, it was not a good move for several reasons. He died and his two boys died too. The boys were married and left two widows and their mother to mourn.
Naomi’s losses took a toll on her. She shared her grief with her daughter-in-laws and reminisced the good days in Jerusalem where she was from. Her decision was made to return home. She tried to get her daughter-in-laws to stay in Moab, but Ruth insisted she was going with her. Something about the God of Naomi made her want to follow her.
All mother-in-laws are not bad. Like Ruth, I had a good one and was blessed to care for her in her last days of life.
The two widows traveled to Jerusalem. God protected them and brought them back. He had every intricate detail prepared for them. He sent Ruth to a good employer so that their needs would be met.
Boaz redeemed Ruth. She became his bride and to this union a baby was born named Obed. Naomi became a happy grandmother and what a legacy of faith Ruth left us. From her lineage came our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
Maybe you have suffered losses in your own life and are struggling to make sense out of your loss. Keep walking by faith. God has it all under control!
Prayer: Today, Lord, You see my situation and know my pain. Please give me strength to keep walking by faith. You see way down the road and know what’s best for me individually. Amen.
Devotion by Kaye Singleton
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