A time to be born, and a time to die (Ecclesiastes 3:2, Holy Bible, King James Version)
“When is my baby due?” an expectant mother joyfully asks her physician. At the birth of her child, a new life is celebrated and treasured through the years. When the pendulum of life swings far to the other side, a different question might be heard from this aging mother. “How much time do I have, Doctor?”
As she relives special memories, she sees how her life has touched her family, friends and community. More importantly, she is content because she has invested her life toward shaping her own eternal destiny.
Prayer: Eternal God, You chose my birthday and have set my departure date from this earthly life. You have given me charge over using the rest of the time. I serve you, waiting for the day my earthly time clock stops and eternal life begins with You. Amen.
Devotion by Violet Carr Moore
Adapted from In the Right Place: A Gallery of Treasured Moments (Carr Twins & Co., 2006) © Violet Carr Moore
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