“For if we are faithful to the end, trusting God just as firmly as when we first believed, we will share in all that belongs to Christ.” (Hebrews 3:14 from the NLT version of the Holy Bible)
I can still remember the first time I walked into a Pentecostal church. As crazy as I thought they were, I knew that they had something that I had so deeply desired. Within those first few years of serving Him, nothing anyone said or did could keep me away from getting into His presence. As the years went on, there have been times that the desperation for God faded, and getting to church became something required of me rather than something I always felt like doing.
What an incredible hope that we have! Not only must we remain faithful until He returns, but we must never forget the excitement that goes along with knowing Christ. Of course there will be times that our excitement fades, but in those times especially, you must remember what it was like when God first revealed Himself to you. Before long, you will be rejoicing once again!
Prayer: Thank you Jesus for the hope that we have in You! Lord, in the times where my passion dwindles, take me back to the time when I first believed in You. In Jesus name, Amen.
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