“But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33).
At this time of year, many people talk about the New Year’s resolutions they have made for the coming year. The list may be long or short; but as we all know, resolutions are easier to make than they are to keep.
Many resolutions are rather predictable–lose weight, exercise more, eat healthier, budget better. When we start thinking of our spiritual life, those resolutions tend to be predictable as well. We decide we will pray more, read our Bibles more, witness more. Our intentions are good, but life gets busy. Within a couple of months, we have fallen back into our old habits. We don’t have time to cook healthy meals; and after a long day of work, we’re too tired to exercise. Prayer and Bible reading get crowded into a few minutes of our day. And so it goes. We mean well.
I once worked with a lady who started each year with a slightly different approach. Instead of making a list of resolutions, she chose one goal to accomplish during that year. She considered carefully and then focused on that one thing for the next twelve months. She found it easier to concentrate on only one thing and usually succeeded in accomplishing her goal.
What if we prayerfully considered one area of our spiritual life to focus on for the coming year? It doesn’t mean we would ignore other things, but this would become our special goal in the coming months. Have you felt God nudge you concerning an area of your life? Has He asked you to move in a new (and perhaps scary) direction? Is there something you’ve longed to do for God but don’t feel confident you can accomplish it? Consider the coming months as a journey. It may help to keep a journal as you work toward your goal. Be sure to include scriptures that encourage you and give you direction.
As you partner with the Lord, you will begin to see amazing things unfold in your life. “Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ” (Philippians 1:6).
In 2019 determine to “seek first the kingdom of God.” When you do, you will discover God will add many other things to your life as well.
Prayer: Lord, help me to seek You first in all I do this year. Reveal to me ways that I can draw closer to You and deepen our relationship. Let this be a year of growth and renewed commitment as I seek ways to please You and grow in my walk with You.
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