“But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.”

1 Peter 2:9 ESV

This verse contains a very important promise from God, and that is that we are his possession.  To some, this may sound like a bad or frightening thing, but to me, it sounds like safety and peace. It sounds like a place where I can find rest, security, and purpose.

I am so thankful that I belong to Christ. When everyone fails me, and when I fail myself, He remains constant and nothing can separate me from His love. (Romans 8:38)

As a result of us being set apart and belonging to Christ, we have been given a new mission and purpose. We have been called out of darkness into light, and we are now called to love others and show them the goodness of God.

So how can we show them the goodness of God?

First, we love them. I’ve heard it spoken before that it is not our place to change people, we are called to love them. I can’t change someone’s mind, or make them have a relationship with God, but I can love them. I can forgive. I can have patience with them. I can sacrifice my time and energy to help them grow.

We must also be filled with Christ, so much so that others see him before they see us. Have you ever had someone approach you and tell you they sense something different about you? That’s God living on the inside, reflecting on the outside. Our lives must be a living example of God’s character and who He is.

Sometimes we overthink and complicate simple things, I know I do, but God has slowly been revealing to me ways that I can show his goodness to others. How has he been speaking to you lately, and what are some ways that you can uniquely show his goodness?

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