“Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.  And whither I go ye know, and the way ye know.” John 14:1-4

We live in a troubled world. When we turn on our radios in the morning or look at the News sites on our computers, we are bombarded with stories of wars, uprisings, mass shootings, trouble, and strife. The Bible tells us that this is what we can expect as we near the time of the return of Jesus for His bride. I am so thankful for the hope we have of His coming. We do not let these things that are happening deprive us of the joy and peace we have in knowing Christ. He has told us not to fear, but to look up because our redemption draws nigh.

What do you think of when you hear the word, “heaven”? I remember a conversation I had with a friend when I was a child. We had been looking at the clouds in the sky and started talking about one day going to heaven. We were very good friends and hoped that we would remain that way when we went to heaven. I remember remarking that I would probably be buried miles away from where she would be, so how would we be able to get together? We concluded that we could float on the clouds and visit each other. As children that was our idea of heaven.

So many of our ideas of what heaven will be like come from the hymns and choruses that we sing in church or listen to on our devices. Songs have been written about walking on streets of gold, singing with angels, playing on harps, asking questions of the patriarchs, etc. Men and women have written inspired by the Holy Spirit and by what they have read in the Word of God. And most of them stress that seeing Jesus is the most important benefit of going to heaven.

What does the Bible really tell us about heaven? We are not given a lot of details, just enough to make us want to go there. For the next few days, let’s look at some scriptures about that wonderful place that we are awaiting. Let us ask the Lord to give us a fresh vision of what heaven holds, and a fresh desire to see His face.

Prayer: Jesus, we thank you for the hope you have put in our hearts of one day seeing you face to face and spending eternity in your presence. Open our hearts as we investigate your Word and prepare for that great day.

Devotion by Anne Johnston



  1. Bonnie Lewis

    I’m so looking forward to seeing what you are going to post about heaven. Of course, for all those that look for His coming. Being with Jesus and seeing Him how grand of a thing

    • Anne Johnston

      Thank you, Bonnie. It has been interesting writing these articles. I agree with you that seeing Jesus is what we look forward to the most. I certainly did not find all the answers, but just pray that it will get us all thinking a bit about what heaven holds, and making sure we are ready for the coming of the Lord, whether it by death or by the Rapture. God bless you for your faithful reading of these devotions.